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    Putha Hiunchuli, standing tall at an elevation of 7,246 meters (23,773 feet), is a majestic peak located within the Dhaulagiri Range of the Himalayas. Also known as Dhaulagiri VII, it holds a significant place among Nepal's awe-inspiring mountains. The first successful ascent of this peak was accomplished by the legendary explorer Jimmy Roberts in 1954, marking a significant milestone in mountaineering history.

    Situated in the remote and pristine Dolpo region of Nepal, Putha Hiunchuli offers a challenging yet rewarding climbing experience. Its westernmost location within the Dhaulagiri Range lends it an aura of isolation and adventure. The climb to its summit is a journey that demands technical mountaineering skills, physical endurance, and respect for the mountain's unpredictable weather conditions.

    Putha Hiunchuli Mountain

    Climbers who venture to conquer Putha Hiunchuli can choose from various routes, including the Northeast Face Route, Southwest Ridge Route, and West Face Route. These routes present different challenges and perspectives, adding to the allure of the climb. The ascent typically involves establishing base camps and higher camps, allowing for acclimatization as climbers steadily ascend towards the summit.

    The Dolpo region, made famous by Peter Matthiessen's book "The Snow Leopard," surrounds Putha Hiunchuli with its remote and wild beauty. As climbers journey towards the German Base Camp at an altitude of approximately 4,525 meters, they traverse a landscape of high cliffs, deep valleys, and breathtaking vistas that evoke a sense of both wonder and humility.

    The climb up Putha Hiunchuli is a tribute to human determination, a blend of adventure and self-discovery that captures the essence of mountaineering. From its challenging technical sections to its unparalleled views of the Himalayan landscape, this peak beckons to those who seek the ultimate alpine adventure. As climbers ascend its slopes, they are greeted not only by the physical demands of the climb but also by a profound connection with the natural world and the heritage of mountaineering exploration.

    Highlights of the Putha Hiunchuli

    Here are some highlights of the Putha Hiunchuli (7,246 m) climb:

    • Majestic Altitude: Putha Hiunchuli stands proudly at 7,246 meters, offering climbers the opportunity to ascend to impressive heights and witness breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding Himalayan peaks.
    • Technical Challenge: Climbing Putha Hiunchuli requires advanced mountaineering skills. The ascent involves technical climbing, ice and rock sections, and navigating challenging ridges, providing climbers with an exhilarating and rewarding challenge.
    • Dhaulagiri Range: Situated in the Dhaulagiri Range, Putha Hiunchuli is a prominent peak in this iconic Himalayan mountain range, known for its rugged beauty and awe-inspiring landscapes.
    • Remote Wilderness: The climb takes place in the remote and pristine Dolpa region of Nepal, providing an off-the-beaten-path experience. The journey to base camp is an adventure in itself, surrounded by untouched wilderness and stunning natural beauty.
    • Cultural Exploration: The Dolpa region is also home to unique cultures and communities. As climbers traverse through villages and interact with locals, they have the chance to learn about traditional ways of life and immerse themselves in the local culture.
    • Diverse Routes: Putha Hiunchuli offers multiple climbing routes, including the Northeast Face Route, Southwest Ridge Route, and West Face Route. Each route presents different challenges and perspectives, catering to a variety of climbing preferences.
    • Acclimatization Opportunities: Climbers have the chance to establish base camps and higher camps along the routes, allowing for acclimatization to the high-altitude conditions. This strategic approach enhances climbers' chances of a successful ascent.
    • Panoramic Views: From the summit of Putha Hiunchuli, climbers are rewarded with unparalleled panoramic views of the Himalayan landscape. The sight of towering peaks, valleys, and vast expanses is an awe-inspiring reward for their efforts.
    • Climbing Community: Putha Hiunchuli attracts climbers from around the world, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared achievement. The experience of conquering a challenging peak together creates lasting bonds among climbers.
    • Personal Triumph: Successfully summiting Putha Hiunchuli is a remarkable personal achievement. It requires physical and mental strength, determination, and perseverance. Climbers leave the mountain with a sense of accomplishment that stays with them forever.

    The best route to climb Putha Hiunchuli

    Northeast Face Route

    • Popularity: Most common and preferred route to summit Putha Hiunchuli.
    • Starting Point: German Base Camp at around 4,525 meters.
    • Climbing Skills: Requires technical climbing skills including ice and rock climbing.
    • Challenges: Involves navigating challenging ridges and sections.
    • Ascent Strategy: Climbers establish higher camps as they ascend to higher altitudes.
    • Acclimatization: Higher camps aid in acclimatization to altitude.
    • Final Push: Climbers make a final push to the summit after acclimatization.
    • Advantages: Offers a common and well-established path to the summit.
    • Preparation: Proper equipment, training, and experience are essential.
    • Safety: Climbers should prioritize safety and follow experienced guides.
    • Guided Expeditions: Recommended for safer and more successful climbs.
    Route to Putha Hiunchuli

    Southwest Ridge Route

    • Starting Point: German Base Camp (around 4,525 meters)
    • Route Description: Ascends along the southwest ridge of Putha Hiunchuli.
    • Less Common: Comparatively less frequently used route.
    • Distinct Experience: Offers a different perspective and climbing experience compared to the northeast face route.
    • Technical Skills: Requires climbers to possess technical skills similar to the northeast face route.
    • Challenges: Involves navigating challenges along the ridge.
    • Preparation: Adequate training and mountaineering experience are crucial.
    • Safety: Climbers should prioritize safety and adhere to best practices.
    • Guides: Engaging with experienced guides is advisable for a safe ascent.
    • Alternative Choice: Suitable for climbers seeking a less-traveled path to the summit.
    • Considerations: Weather conditions and climbing conditions should be carefully evaluated.
    • Equipment: Proper equipment and gear are essential for a successful climb.
    • Expeditions: Joining guided expeditions can enhance safety and success rates.

    West Face Route

    • Route Description: Ascends along the west face of Putha Hiunchuli.
    • Technical Difficulty: Considered more challenging due to increased technical difficulty.
    • Less Attempted: Less frequently chosen by climbers due to its higher difficulty level.
    • Climbing Skills: Demands advanced mountaineering skills.
    • Challenges: Involves conquering steep ice and rock sections.
    • Experience Required: Requires a high level of mountaineering proficiency.
    • Safety Concerns: Proper safety measures and equipment are vital.
    • Preparation: Thorough training and experience in technical climbing are essential.
    • Guides: Experienced guides are crucial for a safe and successful ascent.
    • Risk Factor: Due to increased difficulty, this route involves higher risks.
    • Unique Experience: Offers an alternative and more demanding approach to the summit.
    • Cautions: Climbers must be aware of changing weather and climbing conditions.
    • Expertise: Suited for skilled mountaineers seeking a greater challenge.
    • Decision Making: Consider personal capabilities and conditions before choosing this route.

    Difficulty level of Putha Hiunchuli Climbing

    Climbing Putha Hiunchuli presents a significant level of difficulty due to its high altitude and challenging terrain. The difficulty level can vary based on the chosen route, weather conditions, personal experience, and the overall preparedness of the climbers. Generally, Putha Hiunchuli is considered a demanding peak to climb, falling into the category of a high-altitude expedition. Here's a breakdown of the difficulty factors:

    High Altitude: Putha Hiunchuli's altitude of 7,246 meters places it in the category of high-altitude peaks. At such elevations, the air becomes thinner, leading to lower oxygen levels. This can result in altitude-related health issues like altitude sickness, which may manifest as symptoms of headache, nausea, fatigue, and difficulty breathing. Proper acclimatization involves gradually ascending to allow the body to adapt to the reduced oxygen levels, mitigating the risk of altitude sickness.

    Technical Challenges: Different routes up Putha Hiunchuli present various technical challenges. For instance, the northeast face route may involve negotiating icy sections, mixed rock and ice terrain, and navigating challenging ridges. The west face route is known for steep ice and rock sections that require advanced climbing techniques such as ice axe and crampon use, rope management, and rock protection placement. Climbers need to possess technical climbing skills honed through training and experience.

    Difficulty Level of Putha Hiunchuli

    Weather Conditions: The Himalayas are notorious for unpredictable and harsh weather conditions. Climbers on Putha Hiunchuli may encounter extreme cold temperatures, strong winds, and rapidly changing weather. Frostbite and hypothermia are real risks. Proper clothing and gear are essential to combat the cold, and climbers need to be prepared for sudden weather shifts that can impact visibility and climbing conditions.

    Physical Endurance: Climbing Putha Hiunchuli demands exceptional physical fitness. Climbers must have the endurance to handle prolonged periods of strenuous physical activity, including carrying heavy loads, negotiating steep terrain, and enduring long hours of climbing. Cardiovascular fitness and strength training are essential components of the preparation process.

    Climbing Experience: Putha Hiunchuli is not a peak for beginners. Climbers attempting this mountain should ideally have previous experience in high-altitude mountaineering. Prior expeditions to lower-altitude peaks serve as valuable training grounds to hone climbing skills, test equipment, and understand how their bodies react to high altitudes.

    Risk Factors: The combination of high altitude, technical challenges, and remote location increases the inherent risks of climbing Putha Hiunchuli. Altitude sickness, avalanches, falls, and frostbite are among the potential dangers. Adequate preparation, risk assessment, and having contingency plans are vital. Climbers should be ready to turn back if conditions deteriorate or if someone in the team experiences health issues.

    Guided Expeditions: Due to the complexity of climbing Putha Hiunchuli, many climbers choose to join guided expeditions. Experienced mountaineering guides provide essential support, knowledge, and safety protocols. They know the route, understand the challenges, and can make informed decisions based on weather and conditions. This greatly enhances the climbers' chances of a safe and successful ascent.

    Climbing Putha Hiunchuli requires a comprehensive understanding of the challenges posed by high altitude, technical difficulties, and variable weather. It demands thorough preparation, experience, physical fitness, and a commitment to safety. Climbers should prioritize safety above all else, even if it means altering plans or turning back in the face of adverse conditions.

    Best Season for Climbing Putha Hiunchuli

    Climbing Putha Hiunchuli requires careful consideration of the seasons and their associated conditions. 

    Seasons during Putha Hiunchuli Climbing

    Spring (March to May)

    Spring is widely regarded as the optimal season for climbing Putha Hiunchuli. During this period, temperatures begin to warm, and the harsh winter conditions start to ease. Daytime temperatures range from around -10°C (14°F) at higher altitudes to 10°C (50°F) at lower elevations, with nights remaining cold. The visibility is excellent during spring, offering clear skies that unveil breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding peaks and valleys. The climbing conditions are at their best, characterized by stable weather patterns that minimize risks. The snow conditions are generally favorable, making the climbing routes safer and more accessible. Climbers can ascend with more confidence, as the well-defined paths and manageable temperatures reduce the challenges associated with other seasons.

    Summer/Monsoon (June to August)

    The summer or monsoon season, spanning from June to August, is not recommended for climbing Putha Hiunchuli. During these months, temperatures are milder, ranging from around 0°C (32°F) to 15°C (59°F) during the day, but nights remain cold. However, the main challenge lies in reduced visibility due to increased cloud cover, rain, and mist. Clouds often obscure the once-clear skies, making navigation and orientation difficult. Climbing conditions are hazardous due to heavy rainfall, triggering potential risks like avalanches and landslides. Slippery trails and unfavorable weather conditions contribute to a risky environment that is not conducive to safe climbing.

    Autumn (September to November)

    Autumn, from September to November, is another prime season for climbing Putha Hiunchuli. During this period, temperatures start to cool as the summer heat dissipates. Daytime highs range from approximately -5°C (23°F) to 10°C (50°F), and nights become colder. The visibility is excellent once again, as clear skies offer stunning views of the landscape. Climbing conditions are ideal, thanks to stable weather and dry surroundings. The well-defined trails and favorable weather create a safe and enjoyable climbing environment. This season allows climbers to traverse the routes with confidence, as they experience the best of the mountain while minimizing frostbite risks and other challenges.

    Winter (December to February)

    Winter, encompassing the months of December to February, poses substantial challenges for climbing Putha Hiunchuli. During this season, temperatures are extremely cold, ranging from -15°C (5°F) to -25°C (-13°F) during the day, with nights plunging well below -30°C (-22°F). Despite the clear skies, visibility can be compromised due to frost on eyewear caused by the extreme cold. Climbing conditions become daunting, with intense cold, reduced daylight hours, and the potential for heavy snowfall. The trails may be buried under deep snow, demanding extra effort to ascend. Winter climbing on Putha Hiunchuli requires specialized skills, equipment, and a heightened tolerance for harsh conditions.

    Each season presents unique conditions for climbing Putha Hiunchuli. Spring and autumn stand out as the best times to attempt the ascent due to their stable weather, clear skies, and manageable temperatures. Summer (monsoon) is marked by hazardous conditions, while winter poses extreme cold and snow-related challenges. Climbers should make their choice based on their experience, preferences, and preparedness, with safety always being a paramount consideration.

    Accommodation and Food during the Putha Hiunchuli  Climbing

    Accommodation and food during the Putha Hiunchuli climbing expedition can vary based on the route, approach, and specific expedition arrangements. Generally, climbers need to be prepared for basic and remote conditions, as the mountain's isolation can limit access to amenities. Here's what to expect:


    • Base Camp: Most climbers establish a base camp, such as the German Base Camp, as the starting point for their ascent. Accommodation at base camps is typically in the form of tents. These tents provide shelter from the elements and serve as a comfortable resting place for climbers.
    • Higher Camps: As climbers ascend higher, they may set up additional higher camps to aid in acclimatization and to reduce the altitude gain between camps. These higher camps also consist of tents, and their location is strategically chosen for better acclimatization.
    • Self-Sufficiency: Climbers often need to be self-sufficient in terms of accommodation. Tents are carried or set up by the climbers and their support teams. Sleeping bags, sleeping pads, and warm clothing are crucial for staying comfortable in the tents.


    • Base Camp Meals: Base camps may have cooking facilities where expedition teams prepare meals. Food at base camps typically includes a combination of local and imported provisions, designed to provide climbers with necessary sustenance and energy. Expedition teams often have cooks who prepare meals for climbers.
    • Higher Camp Meals: As climbers move higher, preparing food becomes more challenging due to the altitude and limited facilities. Dehydrated or freeze-dried meals that are easy to carry and prepare might be used. These meals are lightweight and require only hot water for preparation.
    • Personal Supplies: Climbers might carry some of their own snacks and energy bars for quick energy during the ascent. These lightweight, high-energy snacks can be consumed on the go.
    • Hydration: Staying hydrated is essential at high altitudes. Expedition teams typically melt snow for drinking water. Climbers use portable water purification methods to ensure the water is safe to drink.
    • Nutritional Balance: A balanced diet is important for maintaining energy and stamina during the climb. Protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats are essential components of climbers' meals.
    • Personal Preferences: Some climbers have dietary restrictions or preferences. Communicate these to the expedition team in advance to ensure that suitable food is available.

    It's important to note that accommodations and food on Putha Hiunchuli can be more basic and rustic compared to urban settings. Climbers should be prepared for a self-sufficient and adaptable approach to their daily needs. Joining guided expeditions can simplify logistics, as reputable guiding companies often provide accommodations, food, and support services, ensuring climbers' needs are taken care of during the challenging ascent.

    Travel Insurance

    Travel insurance is a crucial component when embarking on climbing expeditions, especially in remote and challenging environments like Putha Hiunchuli. Here's what you need to know about travel insurance for your climbing expedition:

    Importance of Travel Insurance

    • Medical Coverage: Travel insurance provides coverage for medical emergencies and evacuation in case of injuries or illnesses that may occur during the climb. In remote areas, access to medical facilities can be limited, making insurance a vital safety net.
    • Emergency Evacuation: In the event of a serious injury or medical emergency, travel insurance covers the cost of emergency evacuation via helicopter or other means, ensuring prompt medical attention.
    • Trip Cancellation/Interruption: Travel insurance can protect your investment by reimbursing you for non-refundable expenses if your trip is canceled or interrupted due to unforeseen circumstances like illness, injury, or unexpected events.
    • Lost or Delayed Baggage: Travel insurance offers compensation for lost, stolen, or delayed baggage, which can be especially important for climbing gear and essentials.
    • Personal Liability: In case of accidental injury to others or damage to property during your expedition, travel insurance can provide coverage for potential liabilities.
    • Search and Rescue: If you become lost or stranded during your climb, travel insurance might cover the cost of search and rescue efforts.

    Choosing Travel Insurance

    • Coverage for High-Altitude Climbing: Not all travel insurance policies cover high-altitude climbing or mountaineering. Ensure your policy explicitly covers the activities you'll be engaged in.
    • Medical Coverage Limit: Check the policy's maximum coverage for medical expenses. High-altitude rescues and medical treatments can be costly.
    • Emergency Evacuation Coverage: Confirm that the insurance provides comprehensive emergency evacuation coverage, including helicopter rescue if necessary.
    • Adventure Sports Coverage: Verify whether adventure sports and activities like climbing are covered under the policy.
    • Duration of Coverage: Ensure that the policy covers the entire duration of your expedition, including any pre-climbing acclimatization and post-climbing recovery periods.
    • Additional Options: Some policies offer optional add-ons like cancel-for-any-reason coverage, which can provide more flexibility in case your plans change.
    • Reputable Providers: Choose a reputable travel insurance provider known for excellent customer service and reliable coverage. Research reviews and recommendations.

    Remember that the specific terms, conditions, and coverage vary between insurance providers and policies. Before purchasing, carefully read the policy documents, ask questions if you're unsure, and select a policy that best meets your climbing expedition's needs. Travel insurance is an investment in your safety and peace of mind during your Putha Hiunchuli climb.

    Permits for the Putha Hiunchuli climb

    Climbing Putha Hiunchuli requires obtaining certain permits and permissions from the Nepalese government. These permits are essential to ensure the legality of your expedition and to support local conservation efforts. Here are the main permits you'll need for the Putha Hiunchuli climb:

    • TIMS (Trekkers' Information Management System) Card: While not specific to climbing, a TIMS card is required for trekkers and climbers in Nepal. It helps in tracking trekkers and climbers in various regions and provides valuable data for safety and security purposes.
    • Restricted Area Permit (RAP): Since Putha Hiunchuli is located in the Dolpa region, which is categorized as a restricted area, you'll need a Restricted Area Permit. This permit is necessary to enter and trek in this region.
    • Climbing Permit: To climb Putha Hiunchuli, you'll need a climbing permit issued by the Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA). This permit grants you permission to climb the mountain and covers administrative and conservation fees. The cost of the permit varies based on the season and the number of climbers in your group.
    • National Park/Conservation Area Entry Permit: If your climbing route includes passing through a national park or conservation area, you'll need to obtain an entry permit for that specific area. For Putha Hiunchuli, this might include permits for the Shey Phoksundo National Park and the Dolpa Conservation Area.
    • Local Permits: Depending on the route you take, you might require additional local permits, especially if your expedition crosses through various villages or local jurisdictions. These permits contribute to local community development projects.

    It's important to note that permit regulations, fees, and requirements can change, so it's essential to confirm the most up-to-date information from official sources such as the Nepal Tourism Board, the Nepal Mountaineering Association, and authorized trekking agencies. Additionally, when planning your expedition, consider consulting with experienced local trekking agencies or guides who can assist you in obtaining the necessary permits and ensuring compliance with all regulations. Properly obtaining the required permits not only ensures the legality of your climb but also supports the conservation and sustainable development of the region.

    Checklist for the Putha Hiunchuli Climb

    Here's a general checklist to help you prepare for your Putha Hiunchuli climbing expedition. Keep in mind that this list can be customized based on your specific needs, preferences, and the guidance of your expedition team. Ensure you have all the necessary equipment, clothing, and supplies before embarking on your journey.

    Climbing Gear

    • Climbing harness
    • Crampons
    • Ice axe
    • Mountaineering boots
    • Helmet
    • Ropes and carabiners
    • Ascender and descender devices
    • Belay device
    • Climbing hardware and protection
    • Snow pickets
    • Snow shovel
    • Avalanche probe
    • Glacier glasses with UV protection
    • Headlamp with extra batteries
    • Personal locator beacon (PLB) or satellite communicator
    • First aid kit and personal medications


    • Base layers (moisture-wicking)
    • Insulating layers (fleece or down)
    • Hardshell jacket (waterproof and windproof)
    • Hardshell pants (waterproof and windproof)
    • Mountaineering gloves (waterproof and insulated)
    • Liner gloves
    • Hat or beanie for warmth
    • Balaclava or neck gaiter for face protection
    • Gaiters to keep snow out of boots
    • Extra pairs of moisture-wicking socks

    Camping and Shelter

    • Tent (appropriate for high-altitude conditions)
    • Sleeping bag (rated for cold temperatures)
    • Sleeping pad or mattress
    • Stove and cooking equipment
    • Lightweight camping utensils
    • Multi-fuel stove with sufficient fuel
    • High-energy snacks and meals
    • Water purification methods

    Clothing for Camp

    • Warm down jacket or insulated parka
    • Comfortable camp clothes (thermal layers, pants, etc.)
    • Insulated water bottle to prevent freezing
    • Warm, comfortable camp shoes


    • Backpack suitable for mountaineering
    • Climbing pack for summit pushes
    • Trekking poles for balance and support
    • Durable, waterproof pack cover
    • Sunglasses with side shields
    • Sunscreen with high SPF
    • Lip balm with UV protection
    • Personal toiletries and hygiene products
    • Trekking towel or wet wipes
    • Camera and extra batteries

    Documentation and Safety

    • Valid passport with necessary visas
    • Permits (climbing, entry, and local permits)
    • Travel insurance documents
    • Personal identification cards
    • Emergency contact informatio


    • Cash for expenses (local currency)
    • Map and compass or GPS device
    • Repair kit (for gear and clothing)
    • Duct tape and zip ties
    • Multi-tool or knife
    • Notepad and pen

    Remember that thorough preparation is key to a successful and safe climbing experience. Double-check each item on the checklist and ensure that your gear is in good condition before your departure. 

    Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about climbing Putha Hiunchuli

    Q: What is the elevation of Putha Hiunchuli?

    A: Putha Hiunchuli stands at an elevation of 7,246 meters (23,773 feet) above sea level.

    Q: Where is Putha Hiunchuli located?

    A: Putha Hiunchuli is situated in the Dhaulagiri Range of the Himalayas, specifically in the Dolpo region of Nepal.

    Q: What are the main climbing routes to Putha Hiunchuli's summit?

    A: The main climbing routes include the Northeast Face Route, the Southwest Ridge Route, and the West Face Route.

    Q: When is the best time to climb Putha Hiunchuli?

    A: The best climbing seasons are spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) when weather is relatively stable and visibility is good.

    Q: What climbing skills are required to climb Putha Hiunchuli?

    A: Climbers need advanced mountaineering skills including technical climbing, ice and rock climbing, rope management, and navigation across challenging terrain.

    Q: What permits are required to climb Putha Hiunchuli?

    A: Climbers need permits including a TIMS card, a Restricted Area Permit (RAP), a climbing permit from the Nepal Mountaineering Association, and potentially other local area permits.

    Q: How physically fit should climbers be for Putha Hiunchuli?

    A: Climbers need to be in excellent physical condition with strong cardiovascular fitness, endurance, and strength due to the demands of high-altitude climbing.

    Q: Is it necessary to have previous climbing experience before attempting Putha Hiunchuli?

    A: Yes, climbers should ideally have prior experience in high-altitude mountaineering, technical climbing, and expedition-style climbing.

    Q: What kind of gear and equipment is required for Putha Hiunchuli?

    A: Essential gear includes climbing harnesses, crampons, ice axe, mountaineering boots, ropes, carabiners, helmet, proper clothing, camping equipment, and safety gear.

    Q: Is it recommended to join guided expeditions for climbing Putha Hiunchuli?

    A: Yes, guided expeditions offer safety, expertise, logistical support, and a higher chance of success due to experienced guides.

    Q: What kind of travel insurance is needed for Putha Hiunchuli climbing?

    A: Travel insurance should cover high-altitude climbing, emergency medical expenses, evacuation, and trip cancellations.

    Q: How challenging are the climbing conditions on Putha Hiunchuli?

    A: Climbing Putha Hiunchuli is considered challenging due to high altitude, technical difficulties, unpredictable weather, and remote conditions.

    Q: What are the accommodations like during the climb?

    A: Accommodations range from tents at base camps and higher camps to basic lodges in some villages along the route.

    Q: What kind of weather can climbers expect on Putha Hiunchuli?

    A: Weather can vary greatly, but climbers should be prepared for cold temperatures, high winds, and rapid weather changes, especially at high altitudes.


    Q: How long does it typically take to complete a Putha Hiunchuli climbing expedition?

    A: The duration varies, but a climbing expedition can take around 3 to 4 weeks, including acclimatization, climbing, and descent.

    6000-meter peaks for Climbing and Expedition Packages in Nepal

    Mt Ama Dablam Expedition (6,812 m)
    Island Peak Expedition (6,160 m)
    Mera Peak Climbing (6,476 m)
    Chulu West Peak Climbing (6,419 m)
    Pisang Peak Climbing (6,091 m)
    Singu Chuli Peak Climbing (6,501 m)

    8000-meter Mountain Expedition in Nepal

    Makalu Expedition (8,463m)
    Manaslu Expedition (8,163 m)
    Kanchenjunga Expedition (8,586 m)
    Lhotse Expedition (8,516 m)
    Mt. Everest Expedition (8848.86 m)

    Dhaulagiri Expedition (8,167 m)

    7000-meter peaks for Climbing and Expedition in Nepal

    Gangapurna Expedition (7,455 m)
    Pumori Expedition (7,145 m)
    Tilicho Peak Expedition (7,134 m)
    Annapurna South Expedition (7,219 m)

    If you need any further information, please contact us, Email: at [email protected], Phone: at +977- 985 100 5129 (WhatsApp)


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      Jyoti Karki is an expert travel blogger. She has been writing blogs for a long time. Along with writing about diverse locations. She personally travels to many different places, went hiking and trekking in Nepal, and has also visited several areas of India and enjoys writing on her blogs about them.