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    Best Season for 6000-meter Peak Climbing

    Nepal, home to the towering Himalayas, offers climbers a paradise for scaling 6000-meter peaks. Deciding on the optimal season for such an endeavor can be crucial to its success. While each period of the year has its distinct characteristics, certain seasons emerge as favorites among the mountaineering community.

    Lobuche Peak

    Spring, running from March to May, is often the most favored time. This season witnesses moderate temperatures, which facilitate a comfortable ascent. Rhododendron forests bloom in vibrant hues, adding a touch of color to the journey. The weather remains relatively stable, and the atmosphere, cleared by preceding winter winds, offers panoramic views of the surrounding peaks.

    Autumn, spanning September to November, stands out as another top pick for climbers. Following the monsoon, the skies during this period are crystal clear, unveiling the mountains in all their glory. Temperatures, though cooler than spring, remain amiable, especially at lower altitudes. As the season progresses, trekkers are treated to a colorful tapestry of foliage, creating a mesmerizing backdrop for their expedition.

    Winter, from December to February, presents a more challenging landscape. Cold conditions dominate, with snow often blanketing higher altitudes. Fewer climbers choose this time, leading to quieter trails and a sense of solitude. This season is best suited for experienced mountaineers equipped to handle the chilly environs and potential avalanches.

    The Monsoon season, lasting from June to early September, is generally less recommended for high-altitude climbs. Heavy rainfall characterizes this period, making trails slippery and increasing the risk of landslides. While the greenery flourishes, yielding lush landscapes, the upper regions often witness clouded views and increased chances of mountain hazards.

    While each season in Nepal presents its unique flavor, Spring and Autumn are widely regarded as the prime times for 6000-meter peak climbing. With proper preparation, every season can offer an unforgettable experience. The key is understanding the challenges and beauty each period brings and tailoring the adventure accordingly.

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    Here are key details of the Best Season for 6000-meter Peak Climbing

    Pre-Monsoon (Spring) - March to May

    When it comes to climbing in Nepal, particularly the 6000-meter peaks, timing is everything. Pre-monsoon, colloquially known as the Spring season, spans from March to May and is one of the most preferred times for mountaineers and trekkers. Here’s a detailed exploration of this season:

    Weather Conditions

    • March: As winter recedes, March sees a gradual rise in temperatures, especially at lower altitudes. Higher altitudes remain cold, but the extreme chill starts to soften.
    • April: This month experiences moderate temperatures. While daytime can be quite warm at lower altitudes, nights are chilly but not extreme.
    • May: As the threshold to the monsoon, May is warmer. However, at altitudes above 4000 meters, temperatures can still dip below freezing, especially during the night.

    Visibility and Scenery

    • Clear Skies: March and April are known for their clear blue skies, offering panoramic views of the Himalayan range.
    • Flora in Full Bloom: Spring is synonymous with blooming flowers. Trekkers will often walk through forests of rhododendrons, Nepal’s national flower, in full bloom, creating vibrant landscapes.
    • Snow Conditions: Higher altitudes remain snow-clad, providing good conditions for climbing. The snow is generally stable and compact.

    Advantages of Climbing in Pre-Monsoon

    • Stable Weather: Spring offers a stable weather window, crucial for high-altitude climbs.
    • Longer Daylight: Days are longer, providing ample time for treks and climbs.
    • Acclimatization: Mild temperatures at higher altitudes compared to winter make acclimatization slightly more comfortable.
    • Photography: Clear skies and blooming flora make it a paradise for photographers.


    • Popularity: Being a favored season, trails can get crowded, particularly the popular ones like the Everest Base Camp trek or the Annapurna Circuit.
    • Pre-Monsoon Showers: Late May can see pre-monsoon showers which can bring unpredictable rain and even snowfall at higher altitudes.
    • Warmer Temperatures: While warmth is welcome, it can also lead to some instability in snow conditions, particularly in sun-exposed areas.

    Tips for Climbers and Trekkers

    • Start Early: Given the popularity of the season, book your accommodations and guides well in advance.
    • Gear: While temperatures are warmer, high-altitude cold is still a challenge. Ensure layered clothing and gear are suitable for below-freezing conditions.
    • Respect the Environment: The trails see a lot of footfall during this season. Always adhere to Leave No Trace principles to maintain the beauty of the Himalayas.

    Pre-monsoon or Spring is a delightful time to experience Nepal’s mountains. The blend of favorable weather, stunning vistas, and the joy of witnessing nature in full bloom makes it a top choice for many. However, as with any high-altitude adventure, preparation, and respect for nature and local customs are paramount. 

    Post-Monsoon (Autumn)- September to November

    Post-monsoon, also known as the Autumn season, runs from September to November and is lauded by many as the optimal time for trekking and mountaineering in Nepal, especially for the 6000-meter peaks. This season combines the aftermath of the cleansing monsoon rains with the prelude to the cold winter, offering trekkers crisp views and stable conditions. Let’s delve deep into the intricacies of this season:

    Weather Conditions

    • September: As the tail end of the monsoon dissipates, the weather starts to stabilize. The temperatures are mild and pleasant, making it a comfortable trekking environment.
    • October: Often considered the best month for trekking in Nepal, October sees clear skies, minimal precipitation, and moderate temperatures. The higher altitudes are cold but not severely so.
    • November: Marking the onset of winter, November brings cooler days and chilly nights. Higher altitudes start to see snowfall, especially toward the end of the month.

    Visibility and Scenery

    • Crystal Clear Skies: The monsoon rain washes away the atmospheric dust, offering some of the clearest views of the Himalayan range throughout September and October.
    • Lush Landscapes: Post-monsoon, the landscapes are green and vibrant, having been nourished by the monsoon rains.
    • Snow-capped Peaks: As November progresses, the higher peaks start getting a fresh coat of snow, enhancing their majestic beauty.

    Advantages of Climbing in Post-Monsoon

    • Stable Weather Window: The post-monsoon months, especially October, provide stable weather crucial for high-altitude endeavors.
    • Unobstructed Views: The visibility is unparalleled, with panoramic views of the peaks and deep valleys.
    • Cultural Experience: Autumn also coincides with major Nepali festivals like Dashain and Tihar, offering trekkers a unique cultural immersion.


    • Popularity: Similar to the pre-monsoon season, trails can become crowded, especially renowned ones.
    • Dropping Temperatures: November’s decreasing temperatures can pose challenges for trekkers, especially those not adequately prepared for the cold.
    • Early Snowfall: Sometimes, early snowfall in late November can make certain routes more challenging.

    Tips for Climbers and Trekkers

    • Advanced Booking: Due to the season's popularity, it's wise to book accommodations, guides, and permits well in advance.
    • Gear Up: As temperatures drop, especially in November, ensure you have warm, layered clothing and gear suitable for colder conditions.
    • Local Interaction: Participate or observe the local festivals and customs during this season, but always ensure you’re respectful.

    Post-monsoon or Autumn stands as the pinnacle of trekking seasons in Nepal, offering an amalgamation of clear skies, stable weather, and cultural festivities. With the right preparation and a mindful approach, trekkers can expect a fulfilling and memorable Himalayan experience. 

    Off-Peak Seasons

    Winter Season-(December to February)

    Winter in Nepal, spanning from December to February, presents a unique blend of challenges and rewards for trekkers and mountaineers. While it's often overlooked in favor of more popular trekking seasons, winter offers serenity, solitude, and a distinct beauty that cannot be experienced in other months. For those adventurous enough to brave the cold, the Himalayas during winter is a sight to behold. Let's dive into the details of this season.

    Weather Conditions

    • December: The onset of winter sees steadily dropping temperatures. Days can be mildly cold, but nights, especially at higher altitudes, can be freezing. Snow begins to settle on higher trails and peaks.
    • January: This is the coldest month in the Nepalese Himalayas. Temperatures at high altitudes can plummet to -20°C or even lower, particularly during nighttime.
    • February: As the tail end of winter, February still remains cold, but there's a noticeable warming trend as the month progresses, especially at lower altitudes.

    Visibility and Scenery

    • Crystal Clear Skies: Winter skies in Nepal are often sharp and clear, especially after a fresh snowfall, offering brilliant views of the Himalayan giants.
    • Snow Blankets: Many trails, especially those above 4,000 meters, get a thick blanket of snow, turning the landscape into a winter wonderland.
    • Bare Forests: Deciduous trees shed their leaves, offering a stark yet beautiful contrast to the snowy landscape.

    Advantages of Climbing in Winter

    • Solitude: Fewer trekkers venture out in winter, offering a peaceful and solitary experience.
    • Distinct Beauty: The combination of snow-covered landscapes and clear blue skies is mesmerizing.
    • No Rain: Precipitation is minimal, so there are fewer concerns about wet conditions or trail washouts.


    • Extreme Cold: Severe cold, especially at high altitudes, can be a significant challenge. It's essential to be prepared for sub-zero temperatures.
    • Snow-Covered Trails: Deep snow can obscure trails, making navigation tricky. There's also an increased risk of avalanches in certain areas.
    • Limited Services: Many teahouses and lodges in high-altitude regions close during winter, so accommodation options might be limited.

    Tips for Climbers and Trekkers

    • Gear is Crucial: Invest in high-quality cold-weather gear, including a four-season sleeping bag, down jackets, and insulated boots.
    • Flexibility: Weather conditions can change rapidly. It's wise to have a flexible itinerary to accommodate unforeseen challenges.
    • Safety First: Always stay updated on local weather forecasts and be aware of avalanche warnings.
    • Experienced Guides: Our experienced guide familiar with winter conditions can be invaluable, helping with navigation and ensuring safety.

    Winter trekking in Nepal is not for the faint-hearted but offers rewards that few other seasons can match. The pristine beauty, solitude, and sheer challenge make it an unforgettable experience for those who dare. As always, thorough preparation and respect for the mountains are the keys to a successful and safe journey. 

    Monsoon (Summer) - June to Early September

    Monsoon, also termed Summer, sets in Nepal from June to early September. This season is characterized by heavy rainfalls, bringing life and verdancy to the landscapes but also posing unique challenges for trekkers and mountaineers. Venturing into the Himalayas during this time requires a different set of preparations and expectations. Let’s delve into the nuances of Nepal’s monsoon season.

    Weather Conditions

    • June: The start of the monsoon sees intermittent showers, gradually increasing in frequency and intensity as the month progresses.
    • July: Typically the wettest month, heavy and persistent rainfalls are common, especially in the lower and mid-hill regions.
    • August: Rain continues through August, though the intensity might wane a bit towards the end of the month.
    • Early September: As the tail end of the monsoon, early September still witnesses occasional showers before the clear post-monsoon weather sets in.

    Visibility and Scenery

    • Cloud-Covered Skies: Persistent cloud cover often obscures the majestic peaks, though there can be fleeting moments of clear skies, especially in the early morning.
    • Lush Greenery: The monsoon breathes life into Nepal’s landscapes. Trekking trails are surrounded by lush green forests, and terraced fields glow with a fresh green hue.
    • Waterfalls and Rivers: Rivers are in full spate, and numerous waterfalls spring to life, adding to the beauty of the treks.

    Advantages of Climbing in Monsoon

    • Fewer Trekkers: Monsoon sees fewer tourists, providing a solitary trekking experience.
    • Flora and Fauna: It's a great time for botany enthusiasts and bird watchers as the forests are alive with blooming flowers and active wildlife.
    • Cultural Immersion: With fewer tourists around, it's an opportune time to immerse oneself in the local culture and traditions.


    • Unpredictable Trails: Heavy rains can lead to muddy and slippery trails, making trekking challenging.
    • Landslides and Flooding: Some regions might be prone to landslides and flash floods, potentially blocking trails.
    • Insects and Leeches: The wet conditions are perfect for leeches, especially in the lower altitudes. It's not uncommon to have these tiny hitchhikers during treks.

    Tips for Climbers and Trekkers

    • Waterproof Gear: Ensure that your gear, especially clothing and backpacks, is waterproof. Packing essentials in zip-lock bags can be a lifesaver.
    • Stay Informed: Regularly check weather forecasts and be aware of local conditions, especially concerning landslides or trail blockages.
    • Leech Protection: Wearing leech socks and regularly checking for leeches can help. Salt or insect repellent can be useful in deterring them.
    • Choose Wisely: Some regions, like the rain shadow areas of Mustang or Dolpo, receive significantly less rain and can be better trekking options during the monsoon.

    While the monsoon season in Nepal is challenging, it offers a unique perspective of the Himalayas. The landscapes are at their most vibrant, and the challenges of the trail can lead to a more intimate experience with nature. As with all treks, preparation, and respect for the environment and local advisories are key to a safe and fulfilling adventure.

    Temperature and Weather 

    Navigating the Himalayan terrain requires a keen understanding of the climate, especially when targeting 6000-meter peaks. Here's an overview of temperatures and weather conditions across different seasons:

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    Weather and Climate During 6000-meter Peaks

    Pre-Monsoon (Spring) - March to May


    • March: Base camps might experience moderate temperatures (0°C to 10°C), but summit temperatures hover around -20°C to -10°C.
    • April: Slightly warmer at base camps (5°C to 15°C) with summit temperatures around -15°C to -5°C.
    • May: Base camp temperatures rise (10°C to 20°C) while summit temperatures remain cold (-10°C to 0°C).


    • Predominantly clear and stable weather.
    • Occasional pre-monsoon showers in May.
    • Days are generally sunny, with nighttime temperatures dropping significantly.

    Post-Monsoon (Autumn) - September to November


    • September: Base camps see milder temperatures (5°C to 15°C), with summits being cold (-15°C to -5°C).
    • October: Base camps experience a slight drop (0°C to 10°C), and summit temperatures get colder (-20°C to -10°C).
    • November: Base camp temperatures decline further (-5°C to 5°C), with summit temperatures plunging to -25°C to -15°C.


    • Clear skies with excellent visibility.
    • Minimal precipitation.
    • Days are moderately warm, but nights become increasingly colder, especially in November.

    Winter - December to February


    • December to February: Base camps face cold temperatures (-10°C to 5°C). Summit temperatures can plummet to extremes between -30°C to -20°C.


    • Predominantly clear skies but extremely cold conditions.
    • Snowfall is common at higher altitudes, especially in January and February.
    • Daytime might see some sunshine, but nights are long and bitterly cold.

    Monsoon (Summer) - June to early September


    • June to August: Base camps experience warmer temperatures (10°C to 20°C). Summit temperatures range from -10°C to 0°C.
    • Early September: Base camp temperatures start to decline (5°C to 15°C), while summits remain cold (-15°C to -5°C).


    • Frequent and heavy rainfalls, especially in lower and mid-hill regions.
    • Risk of landslides and flooding in certain areas.
    • The upper Himalayan region might see less rain but can experience snowfall and storms.

    The best seasons for 6000-meter peak climbing in Nepal are typically Pre-Monsoon (Spring) and Post-Monsoon (Autumn) due to stable weather conditions and moderate temperatures. While the challenge enthusiasts might opt for winter, it requires superior preparation. Monsoon season is the least recommended due to unstable and wet conditions. Always ensure thorough preparation based on accurate and timely weather forecasts before embarking on such climbs.


    When aiming to scale 6000-meter peaks, the importance of comprehensive insurance cannot be overstressed. Here's an overview of insurance considerations for peak climbs:

    High-Altitude Coverage

    • Ensure the insurance policy covers treks and climbs up to or beyond 6,000 meters. Many standard travel insurance policies might only cover treks up to 4,000 meters or 5,000 meters.

    Helicopter Evacuation

    • High-altitude illnesses, injuries, or unforeseen circumstances may necessitate helicopter evacuations.
    • Ensure your insurance covers helicopter rescue and evacuation, bearing in mind that such operations can be very costly in remote Himalayan regions.

    Medical Coverage

    • The policy should cover medical treatment, hospitalization, and medication for injuries or illnesses incurred during the climb.

    Trip Cancellation or Interruption

    • Look for policies that provide coverage if you need to cancel or cut short your trek due to emergencies, illness, or other unforeseen circumstances.

    Equipment and Gear

    • If you're carrying expensive climbing gear, it's wise to have insurance that covers theft, loss, or damage to your equipment.


    • In the worst-case scenario, such as severe injury or death, the insurance should cover the cost of repatriating the body back to your home country.

    Personal Accident and Liability

    • Ensure the policy covers personal accident benefits in case of permanent disabilities or accidental death.
    • It's also beneficial if the policy covers personal liability in case you inadvertently cause injury to others or damage properties.

    Coverage Duration

    • The policy should be valid for the entire duration of your trip, with a few additional days factored in for potential delays or emergencies.


    • Carefully review what the insurance policy does not cover. For instance, some might not cover accidents stemming from not using professional guides or not following recommended routes.

    Immediate Payment Facility

    • Ensure the insurance company provides immediate payments or guarantees of payment for emergencies, as many service providers in remote regions may not offer services without upfront payment.

    Easy Claims Process

    • Choose insurance providers known for a hassle-free claims process, and always keep necessary documentation, receipts, and evidence for a smooth claims procedure.

    Obtaining comprehensive insurance is paramount for 6000-meter peak climbing. It provides peace of mind, ensuring that potential financial burdens from unforeseen events are taken care of, allowing trekkers to focus on the climb and the beauty of the Himalayas.


    Scaling a 6000-meter peak in the Himalayas is an exhilarating experience, but preparation is the key to a successful and safe climb. From physical readiness to gear selection, here's a thorough guide to prepping for your adventure:

    Gear and Equipment

    Physical Fitness

    • Cardio Training: Engage in activities like running, swimming, or cycling to build cardiovascular endurance.
    • Strength Training: Focus on legs, core, and upper body. Include exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups, and pull-ups.
    • Altitude Training: If accessible, train in high-altitude areas. If not, consider using altitude masks or visiting altitude chambers.
    • Flexibility: Incorporate yoga or regular stretching routines to improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injuries.
    • Practice Hikes: Engage in hikes with a loaded backpack to simulate actual trekking conditions.

    Mental Preparation

    • Resilience: Understand that mountain climbing involves facing unpredictable challenges. Building mental toughness is crucial.
    • Acclimatization Knowledge: Learn about altitude sickness, its symptoms, and prevention techniques.
    • Emergency Situations: Equip yourself with knowledge on handling emergencies like frostbite, snow blindness, and avalanches.

    Gear and Equipment

    • Clothing: Invest in layered clothing including base layers, insulating layers, and waterproof and windproof outer layers.
    • Footwear: Purchase quality mountaineering boots that are well-insulated and crampon-compatible.
    • Climbing Equipment: Acquire essential tools such as ice axes, crampons, harnesses, ropes, and carabiners.
    • Navigation Tools: Bring along GPS devices, compasses, and topographical maps.
    • Camping Gear: Ensure you have a four-season tent, a suitable sleeping bag, and a reliable cooking stove.

    Nutrition and Hydration

    • Balanced Diet: In the months leading up to the expedition, consume a balanced diet rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
    • Hydration: Understand the importance of staying hydrated at altitude. Carry water purification tablets or filters.
    • Altitude Foods: Energy gels, chocolate, dried fruits, and nuts can be beneficial while climbing.

    Skill Development

    • Mountaineering Courses: Consider enrolling in basic and advanced mountaineering courses to hone your climbing skills.
    • Rope Skills: Learn techniques like knot-tying, belaying, rappelling, and crevasse rescue procedures.
    • Snow and Ice Techniques: Familiarize yourself with using ice axes and crampons on varied terrains.

    Permits and Documentation

    • Climbing Permits: Acquire necessary permits for the specific peak you're targeting.
    • Travel Documentation: Ensure your passport, visa, and other relevant documents are in order.
    • Insurance: Get comprehensive travel and high-altitude climbing insurance.

    Local Customs and Etiquette

    • Cultural Awareness: Understand and respect local customs, religious practices, and traditions.
    • Eco-friendly Practices: Follow Leave No Trace principles to minimize environmental impact.

    Contingency Planning

    • Flexible Itinerary: Mountain weather is unpredictable. Allocate extra days in your itinerary for unforeseen delays.
    • Emergency Contacts: Maintain a list of emergency contacts, including local rescue services, embassies, and families.

    Preparing for a 6000-meter peak climb is a meticulous process, spanning physical training, equipment procurement, and mental readiness. By being well-prepared, you not only ensure a safer journey but also enhance your chances of successfully summiting and fully enjoying the majestic vistas of the Himalayas.

    The allure of summiting a 6000-meter peak in Nepal's majestic Himalayan range is a dream for many climbers. The season in which you embark on this journey plays a pivotal role in your overall experience. While each season has its own unique charm and challenges, the choice largely boils down to personal preferences, experience, and preparedness.

    The Pre-Monsoon (Spring) period of March to May is celebrated for its blossoming flora and clear skies, making it a prime choice for many. In contrast, Post-Monsoon (Autumn) from September to November offers arguably the clearest vistas, with crisp air and a landscape painted with fall hues.

    Winter, from December to February, is for the bold and experienced, presenting climbers with serene, snow-covered landscapes, but also demanding the utmost respect for its cold and often harsh conditions. Meanwhile, the Monsoon season from June to early September, though less favored due to rain and potential landslides, brings forth a verdant and refreshed landscape, a sight to behold from the lower altitudes.

    The Himalayas are ever-welcoming, but the experience varies with the seasons. Climbers should weigh the advantages and challenges of each period, ensuring they are well-prepared for the season they choose. Regardless of the time of year, the mountains demand respect, careful planning, and an appreciation for the unparalleled beauty they offer. The right season, paired with preparation and reverence for the mountains, can make your 6000-meter peak-climbing adventure an unforgettable one.

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    FAQs: Best Seasons for 6000-meter Peak Climbing 

    Q: Which is the most popular season for 6000-meter peak climbing in Nepal?

    A: The most popular seasons for 6000-meter peak climbing in Nepal are Pre-Monsoon (Spring: March-May) and Post-Monsoon (Autumn: September-November). These seasons offer stable weather, clear skies, and moderate temperatures, making them favorable for climbers.

    Q: Why is the Monsoon season not recommended for climbing?

    A: Monsoon (Summer: June to early September) brings heavy rainfall, making trails slippery and increasing the risk of landslides. Additionally, the visibility is poor due to cloudy conditions, and there's an increased chance of mountain-related hazards like avalanches at higher altitudes.

    Q: Can I climb during the Winter season?

    A: Yes, it's possible to climb during Winter (December-February), but be prepared for extremely cold conditions, shorter days, and higher chances of snowfall. Fewer climbers choose this season, which can mean quieter trails but also poses challenges in terms of logistics and accessibility.

    Q: How does temperature vary with altitude during these seasons?

    A: As a general rule, the temperature drops approximately 6.5°C for every 1000 meters ascent. While base camps during Spring and Autumn might experience moderate temperatures, summit temperatures can plunge to extremes, especially in Winter.

    Q: What are the risks of altitude sickness, and does the season affect its occurrence?

    A: Altitude sickness can occur regardless of the season. Rapid ascents in colder temperatures, such as in Winter, can sometimes exacerbate symptoms. It's crucial to follow a proper acclimatization schedule and be aware of the symptoms regardless of when you climb.

    Q: How do I prepare for unexpected weather changes during my climb?

    A: Always have layered clothing to adjust to varying temperatures. Invest in quality weatherproof gear, carry a reliable weather forecasting device or app, and always heed the advice of local guides and experts.

    Q: Is it easier to get climbing permits in the off-season?

    A: While there might be fewer climbers applying for permits in the off-season, the process remains relatively consistent. However, some regions might have restrictions during particular times of the year due to weather conditions or conservation efforts.

    Q: Are mountain facilities and lodges open in the off-season?

    A: Some lodges and facilities might be closed during the off-season, especially in Winter and during the Monsoon. It's essential to check in advance and plan logistics accordingly.

    Q: Which season offers the best visibility and mountain views?

    A: Post-Monsoon (Autumn) typically offers the best visibility and crystal-clear mountain views, closely followed by Pre-Monsoon (Spring).

    Q: How does the season affect the difficulty of the climb?

    A: While the inherent challenges of a 6000-meter peak remain, the season can introduce additional difficulties. Winter brings cold and potentially heavy snowfall, Monsoon introduces wet and slippery conditions, while Spring and Autumn generally offer more stable and predictable conditions.

    Here are some of the most popular 6000-meter peak climbing packages in Nepal.

    Mt Ama Dablam Expedition (6,812 m)
    Island Peak Expedition (6,160 m)
    Mera Peak Climbing (6,476 m)
    Chulu West Peak Climbing (6,419 m)
    Pisang Peak Climbing (6,091 m)
    Singu Chuli Peak Climbing (6,501 m)

    If you need any further information, please contact us by email: [email protected], Phone: +977- 985 100 5129 (WhatsApp)

    Drop us a message

    Samir Khadka, born and raised in the picturesque landscapes of Gorkha, Nepal, has become a renowned name in the travel blogging sphere. Collaborating with Luxury Holidays Nepal, Samir crafts immersive narratives of his adventures, enticing readers with the rich tapestry of Nepali culture, history, and natural wonders. With a deep passion for showcasing the hidden gems of his homeland, Samir's writings serve as a bridge between curious travelers and the enchanting terrains of Nepal. His dedication, insightful perspectives, and genuine love for travel make him an influential voice in promoting Nepal's tourism